As people move into their golden years, they start thinking about what they want the end of their life to look like. Everyone wants to pass on peacefully, surrounded by the people they love and secure in the knowledge that they’re ready to go.
Final expense insurance can be one of the biggest parts of creating that peace in the final moments of people’s lives.
But how do your clients know how to pick the right insurance packages for them?
Read on to learn how to guide them through this process and make sure they have the peace of mind they need at the most important transition of their life.
Discuss Their Concerns
Any time you’re discussing insurance needs with your clients, the first place you should start is their concerns.
At its core, insurance is about providing peace of mind, and in order to do that, you need to know what’s worrying your clients.
From there, you’ll be better prepared to help your clients find solutions that better address those concerns. Ask your clients how secure they feel in their end of life arrangements, as well as what arrangements they’ve made.
Pro Tip: Ask what areas they’re concerned about covering and if they have any specific worries for their families after they’re gone.
Keep in mind that this is a sensitive topic for most people, so you’ll need to approach it with tact and care.
Talk About Their Needs
Once you have a better idea of what your clients are worried about, you can start assessing their practical needs. This is where the conversation will turn away from more emotional matters and start focusing on the practicalities of end-of-life arrangements. You’ll also be able to start sussing out what specific coverage your clients need during this stage.
Ask your clients about any savings they have to cover their final expenses
Keep in mind that these assets may include other insurance policies, including life insurance policies that can cover funeral expenses.
You may also want to check on what sorts of final expenses your clients anticipate having and how much money they have to put towards this insurance.
Present Different Options
Now that you have a better idea of where your clients are coming from, you’ll be ready to present some different options. Depending on the complexity of their case and the number of packages you offer, you may want to schedule this as a separate call. This can also help to keep clients from getting overwhelmed with discussions about the end of their life and information about different policies.
Pro Tip: Narrow down your list of packages to the top three that will most fit your client’s needs
It’s a good idea to pick packages that come at a few different price points with varying levels of coverage. This gives your client the chance to decide how much different coverage levels are worth to them.
Summarize the Benefits
Once you’ve presented the different package options that will work best for your client, it will be time to start diving into the specifics. Keep in mind during this stage that you don’t want to overwhelm your clients with too much information all at once.
Keep explanations brief, go slow, and give your clients time to ask any questions they may have.
Give a brief summary of the benefits each plan provides and how they all differ. Highlight key coverage points and limitations on each package so your clients get a good sense of what they’ll be getting with each. It’s also a good idea at this stage to start sussing out which plan your client is most interested in so you can explain the details of that one further.
Clarify Any Industry Terms
During your discussions about different packages, it can be easy to slip into industry jargon. Sure, you know what all the terminology means, but your client may not, and it can be easy for them to get overwhelmed or confused.
Your job at this point is to act as a guide so your clients can make their own informed decisions about the best insurance plans for them.
As you go along, be sure to use plain, simple language to explain different coverage details. If you do have to use an industry term, make sure you explain it in layman’s terms. It’s also not a bad idea to check in with your clients every so often and make sure that all this information is making sense to them.
Make Plan Recommendations
After you’ve gone over all the different package details with your client, they may be ready to make their decision about which option they want to choose. However, in many cases, clients may still be on the fence about which coverage is going to best suit their needs. This is where your status as an industry expert will come into play
Pro Tip: Make a recommendation about which plan you think would best suit your clients’ needs.
You want to avoid coming across as pushy or greedy during this stage; you need to let your clients know that you’re working in their best interest. Explain why you think this package would be the best fit for them and what it offers that the other packages don’t.
Respond to Any Questions
At this stage in the game, your clients are likely to have questions about one or more of the packages you’ve discussed. They’ll likely want to know more about the plan you recommended, but they may also want details about one of the other options you listed, too.
You need to be ready to dive deeper into these plans and the various benefits they offer.
Your clients also might have some general questions about how your services work. They may need to know what sorts of situations this insurance does and doesn’t cover, as well as how to cancel the service once it’s no longer needed
Make sure you can fully answer all these questions, and check if there are any follow-up questions before moving on
Talk About Financials
One of the more uncomfortable parts of your insurance discussion is also one of the most important parts: money. Your clients need to know up-front how much they’ll have to pay each month, as well as how much their family can expect once they pass. Talking about these numbers in frank, up-front terms can help to build trust with your clients.
Once your client has picked a favorite plan, talk to them about the financial aspects of that plan. Make sure to discuss any extra fees so they aren’t surprised later down the road. It’s also a good idea to talk about payment options – whether they can pay by credit card, personal check, or another method.
Explain Payout Procedures
The other important part of the financial conversation is what your clients can expect with their payout procedures. Their family will need to know how much money to plan on and when they can expect to receive it. They’ll also need to know if they have to file a specific claim and what evidence they’ll need to provide that their loved one has passed on.
Pro Tip: During this part of the discussion, you’ll need to gear things towards your client’s surviving family members
Your client may even prefer to include these people in the discussion so they can get the information directly. Be sure to follow all necessary privacy procedures, and be sensitive as you’re discussing this aspect of the policy.
Provide Follow-Up Support
Even after your client has decided on a package and set up their account, your job isn’t over. As an insurance salesperson, you’re responsible for giving your customers the peace of mind they’re paying for. The more a customer feels valued and cared about, the better your business will do.
Check in with your clients from time to time and make sure they’re happy with the coverage they have. Depending on how long they have their policy, their needs might change or additional questions might come up
Make yourself available for those discussions and make sure your clients feel valued and supported throughout the length of their policy.
Help Your Clients Find the Right Insurance Packages
Picking the right insurance package is an important process, especially in the case of final expense insurance. This insurance covers one of the most sensitive times in a client’s life, and they need to be secure knowing they have the coverage they need. Answer all questions as thoroughly as you can, and focus on guiding your clients, rather than giving them a hard sell.
If you’d like to learn more about how to help your clients find the right insurance packages for them, check out the rest of our site at TR King Insurance Marketing. We can help you get the tools you need to be a successful independent agent in the final expense insurance business. Get started with our online contracting today and discover the support, training, tools, and software you need to grow your business.